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Foreigner’s application procedures for temporary accommodation in China.
1. Chinese groups and other residential institutions will be asked to show a valid passport or residence documents and temporary accommodation to fill in registration forms when foreigners in hotels, restaurants, guest houses, schools, enterprises, institutions or organizations. In non-residential areas will open to produce travel documents.
2. Residential homes of foreigners in China, in the towns, to be arrived at within 24 hours. Live or accommodation by the person holding the passport, documents and the accounts of live-thin returns to the local public security organs, registration forms to fill in temporary accommodation; 72 hours are required to declare their local police station or residence office in rural areas.
3. Foreigners in China's foreign institutions or residential homes of foreigners in China are required to accommodation within 24 hours of arrival from residential, residential accommodation or with the holding passports or residence certificates, returns to the local public security organs, registration forms to fill in and temporary accommodation.

4. Aliens with temporary accommodation in mobile accommodation tools required to declare their local public security organ within 24 hours. Mobility tools provide accommodation for foreigners’ venues organizations or individuals should be declared in the local public security organ within 24 hours.

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